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2024 Heat Loss Calculator Tool (v2.5)


Staff member
Hi Everyone,

Happy New Year (bit late with that, sorry!).

I've finally got round to updating the heat loss calculator spreadsheet with some of the latest heat pumps. Updated versions from Samsung, Viessman & Clivet amongst others. This is the standard version of the tool, if you are a subscriber and you want your bespoke version updating, please email me (training (at) optimum.uk.com).

Any questions, fire away on here, rather than by email so everyone can see the enquiry as it may be useful for them to see the answer.

Click here to download

Have a great year everyone!



New member
Clive - Thank you!
That is exactly what is was coming to ask or look for.
Best wishes
(Trained + qualified with you / Optimum / STROMA / ABBE in April 23.)