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Church retrofit - ASHP installation


New member
I’m part of a very small team working on the retrofit of a church.

They want to swap out 2 ancient gas boilers for ASHPs.

The pipework is significant - about 60mm in diameter - and is a heat source in itself. I’d love to know if/how I can calculate these as a heat source in the building and also capture the heat loss from the system via the pipework. My images are too large to post on here, but I’ll try to compress them and add to the thread.

Is there anyone on here with experience of doing heat loss calcs for a building like this?


Staff member
Hi Elle,
We (Optimum Energy) have done heat losses on quite a number of churches. The principles for doing this type of building's heat loss calculations are no different from any other. So long as you have all the measurements, and the construction type of all the elements then you can use the spreadsheet tool the same as you would for a normal house.
However, if you want us to undertake this survey we'd be happy to do so, if you want to contact me directly by message on this forum.

In terms of the heat gain from the large system pipework, that's a little difficult to calculate, but it can certainly be factored in as part of the overall heating system. It wouldn't affect the actual heat load of the building though.